In a world populated by blind human cattle.

May 1, 2007

Can someone teach the UK Met Office how to calculate an average?

----- Can someone teach the UK Met Office how to calculate an average???
April Top Ten mean temperatures for longest reliable recorded series - Central England 1790-2007

From ranks 10 to 2, temperatures are in the 10.0° to 10.6° range.
Since today, the difference between the first and the second is no more 0.1°C but 19 times greater, as April 2007 records 12.5°C.
Now note that all time records with even higher differences to previous records were set in France, Holland, Germany and Switzerland.
Besides this, all these countries (except for a small area of Germany) as well as other areas in Europe (northen and central Italy, Croatian coast, most of Austria) had the hottest April on record.

Update: As of May 2, the Met Office issued no correction. Actually no other news were released on this subject after April 27....

----- Records broken as temperatures rise
News release by the Met Office, 27 April 2007

With forecasters at the Met Office predicting another weekend of above-average temperatures for most of the country, Met Office climate scientists have released more figures revealing new temperature records.
The Central England Temperature (CET) is the world's longest running temperature series and dates back to 1659. April 2007 and the 12-month rolling period ending in April 2007 are set to become the warmest since the records began 348 years ago.
* Provisional figure for May 2006 to April 2007: 11.6 °C - beating the previous record of 11.1 °C for the 12-month period ending October 1995
* Provisional figure for April 2007: 11.1 °C - beating the previous record of 10.6 °C set in 1865

In Forums

April 24, 2007

SUN - the HORRIBLE TRUTH - DATA revealed worldwide first by same PROPHET who gave the sun SIGNS

HISTORIC April 24, 2007
The day End Times Prophet revealed the sun radiation data, exposing the illuminati climate agencies WMO and NOAA

HISTORIC July 23, 2004

... a reminder of July 23, 2004, the day the sun gave the end times sign, only the End Times Prophet reacted

Global Climate Data: WMO, NOAA & Co. are LYING - exposed worldwide first

The data published by government Climate Agencies since October 2006 is nothing but an increasing lie.
The global changes are not 0.1° C but at least 10 times greater.
And 1ÂȘC can make all the difference, as illustrated by coral reefs or cyclone building.

Proof: each month there are huge continental areas that present UNPRECEDENTED positive anomalies (up to +6° C).
Continental areas with corresponding negative anomalies are much smaller and present much weaker anomalies. You don't need to do any computation of (areas * anomalies) to immediately verify that the earth has heated at least 1°C since October 2006.
One simple look at the anomaly map for March 2007 can immediately expose the lie.

Yet another case of (1 + 1) vs. the official hoaxed data.
The fact that the hoaxers go as far as to publish these maps show how sure the illuminati are about the fact that the sheep have been reduced to zombies.

Another example of official hoaxed data- "Science fiction - this time into the past", from 2003 - archived 2005,,,=49764
